Senate President Pro Tempore And Finance Chair Senator Louise Lucas Backs Jennifer Boysko For Congress

Lucas: “We need Jennifer's energy, tenacity and common sense in Washington, D.C.”

Today, Virginia Senate Finance Committee Chair and President Pro Tempore Senator Louise Lucas (D-18th District) threw her support behind State Senator Jennifer Boysko in her campaign for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District. Known as a political powerhouse in Richmond, Senator Lucas praised Boysko as a “tough fighter” with the relentless energy needed in Washington.

“I told Jennifer I wanted her on my team negotiating the state budget because she’s one lawmaker who never gives up pushing for Virginia families,” said Senator Lucas. “That’s the kind of tough fighter I know Jennifer Boysko to be — she brings her A-game every single day. Now we need that energy, tenacity and common sense of hers in D.C. I enthusiastically back Jennifer to be the fierce advocate Northern Virginia needs in Congress.”

Boysko and Lucas have both taken on big fights this year on behalf of Virginia families. Senator Lucas has been leading the charge to protect taxpayers from Governor Youngkin’s arena deal that benefits the super wealthy and sticks taxpayers with the bill. As Chair of Finance, Senator Lucas appointed Jennifer as a budget negotiator where they worked to invest $2.5 billion in K-12 education, and saved Metro with another $165 million. They also worked together passing Jennifer’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill through the House and Senate for the first time.

Senator Boysko highlighted Senator Lucas’s trailblazing leadership and friendship. “Louise Lucas sets the bar when it comes to standing up for her constituents and standing up to bullies,” said Boysko. “Louise is really a hero of mine. She’s been in the trenches for 30 years. I’m grateful to learn from her and I’m grateful this fighter is in my corner. Louise Lucas is what a leader looks like.”


Boysko is a Virginia State Senator and the Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee. She is the only Northern Virginia Senator negotiating Virginia’s state budget where she is working to deliver $2.5 billion in new education funding, millions to save Metro, and important investments to improve mental health services and combat climate change. Senator Boysko represented as many as 200,000 residents in Loudoun County for 8 years in the General Assembly. Among her long and accomplished legislative record, this year she carried the constitutional amendment to ensure abortion access, collective bargaining, and paid family and medical leave.

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