Former Delegate Kathleen Murphy Endorses Jennifer Boysko For Congress

Murphy: "Jennifer is the tenacious leader we need in Washington."

Today, former Virginia Delegate Kathleen Murphy (D-34th District) announced her endorsement of State Senator Jennifer Boysko in her campaign for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District. Murphy highlighted Boysko’s unwavering commitment to gun violence prevention and her tireless advocacy for women and families.

“For over a decade, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside Jennifer Boysko on the most pressing issues facing our communities,” said Murphy. “From leading the fight against gun violence to championing reproductive rights and education, Jennifer has proven time and again that she is the tenacious leader we need in Washington.”

Murphy, who founded the House Gun Violence Prevention Caucus and authored numerous bills to keep firearms out of dangerous hands, emphasized Boysko’s leadership on the issue. Boysko sponsored a safe storage bill this year that requires firearms be safely secured in homes with children.
“When it comes to protecting our communities from gun violence, there is no stronger ally than Jennifer Boysko,” Murphy continued. “She has been a vital partner in our work to pass common sense gun safety measures in Richmond, and I know she’ll bring that same determination to Congress.”

“Kathleen Murphy is more than a colleague — she is a dear friend whose guidance has been invaluable throughout my time in public service,” said Boysko. “I’m honored to have earned Kathleen’s support, and I look forward to continuing our work together on behalf of Northern Virginia families.”

Prior to her seven years in the House of Delegates, Murphy held leadership roles in the Clinton Administration at the Department of Commerce and USAID. She also served on the Fairfax County Human Services Council and Health Care Task Force, and co-founded organizations supporting military families and women’s political empowerment.


Boysko is a Virginia State Senator and the Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee. She is the only Northern Virginia Senator negotiating Virginia’s state budget where she is working to deliver $2.5 billion in new education funding, millions to save Metro, and important investments to improve mental health services and combat climate change. Senator Boysko represented as many as 200,000 residents in Loudoun County for 8 years in the General Assembly. Among her long and accomplished legislative record, this year she carried the constitutional amendment to ensure abortion access, collective bargaining, and paid family and medical leave.

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